Accomplishment doesn’t eradicate imposter syndrome

It never goes away.

Ken Evans invited me to speak to entrepreneurs in the Tampa Bay Innovation Center’s B2B Startup Accelerator. We talked about building in public: sharing the challenges and triumphs of building a new business in real time so others can learn from your experience. 

The number one challenge keeping this group from writing and sharing?

Imposter syndrome.

Write of Passage students face the same challenges. Accomplished professionals from Apple, Google, and Facebook. Millionaire entrepreneurs. Published authors. All hear that same voice inside:

“Who am I to share this online?”

Not only are you worthy of sharing online. It’s a moral imperative to share what you’re learning with others. You owe it to people who need to learn from you. You owe it to your business. You owe it to yourself. 

If you’re building a business, you have have an amazing opportunity to: 

  • Get instant feedback on new feature and service ideas

  • Draw people into your company narrative, telling your story step by step

  • Build new relationships with customers, influencers, potential partners, and media

You’re never going to feel like “it’s time” to publish online. You just do it. You push through the resistance. And then you do it again. To really push yourself, use my 4Ps to create interesting Spiky Points of View.

Don’t hoard your knowledge. Like money, you can’t take it with you when you die. Share it now.


Journaling to develop intuition


Over 30 and strength train? Lifting less may help you lift more.